Seeking justice for car accident victims.

Your path to fair compensation.

When a car accident turns your life upside down, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll it can take. At Ross, Midian & Breitmayer, LLC, our experienced car accident lawyers are here to help you seek the full and fair compensation you deserve. We are dedicated to advocating for your rights and guiding you through the legal process.

Understanding the factors behind car accidents.

  • Discovering the forms of negligence that lead to car accidents is crucial for building a strong case. Our auto accident lawyers thoroughly investigate each case to determine the type of negligence involved, bolstering your claim's validity and weakening the opposing arguments. Some common causes of car accidents include distracted driving, reckless driving, drunk driving, drowsy driving, overcorrection, bad weather conditions, and auto defects.

  • No matter the type of car accident you've experienced, our team of car accident lawyers is prepared to navigate the legal steps on your behalf. With our extensive experience and personalized attention, we handle various car accident cases including rear-end accidents, hit-and-run accidents, ride-share accidents, T-bone accidents, uninsured/underinsured motorist accidents, single-car accidents, multi-car accidents, and rollover accidents.

  • Car accidents can result in a wide range of injuries, many of which can have a lasting impact on your life. Some common car accident injuries include whiplash, back injuries, concussions or traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, cuts, scarring, and burns. We understand the seriousness of these injuries and work diligently to ensure you receive compensation for your current and future medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other expenses incurred as a result of the crash.

  • If you've been hit by a drunk driver, seeking fair compensation is crucial. At Ross, Midian & Breitmayer, LLC, we are dedicated to holding drunk drivers accountable for their actions. While Ohio's dram shop law limits the liability of establishments serving alcohol, we thoroughly investigate your case to determine if additional parties can be held liable for your injuries.

  • It's essential to understand the difference between criminal and civil actions after a drunk driving accident. While the criminal justice system imposes penalties on the drunk driver, it doesn't directly address your damages. Pursuing a civil claim allows you to seek compensation for your injuries and losses. Our experienced auto accident attorneys can guide you through the complexities of your civil claim and use the conviction as supporting evidence.

  • Taking prompt action after a car accident is crucial. Seek immediate medical attention to address any injuries, no matter how minor they may seem. Next, contact an experienced auto accident attorney as soon as possible to preserve evidence and build a strong case. Remember that Ohio has a two-year statute of limitations for car accident claims, so time is of the essence.

Frequently asked questions

Have questions about our services, legal processes, or how we can assist you? Explore our frequently asked questions for valuable insights. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. Our team is here to provide you with the information and support you need.

  • If you were injured in a car accident and you believe someone else was to blame, you could have grounds to file a claim. This is true even if you were partially at fault for the accident. Under Ohio’s rule of comparative negligence, injured motorists can still seek compensation for injuries caused by accidents that they were partly to blame for, as long as they were less than 50% at fault. If you are found to share some percentage of the blame for the accident, as long as it’s less than 50%, your total recovery will be reduced by the same percentage of fault you had in causing the accident.

    For example, if you were hit by someone who ran a red light, but you were traveling at 7 mph over the posted speed limit at the time of the accident, a jury might decide you share 20% of the fault for the accident because you were speeding. If you suffer $10,000 in damages, you will only be able to recover up to 80% of this amount, or $8,000. Our experienced Columbus car accident lawyers can help you determine if you have a claim and how much compensation you may be eligible for.

  • Even the best and most defensive drivers in the world can be hit by a reckless or negligent driver. In case you’re ever in a crash, despite your best efforts to keep the roads safe, it is best to be prepared ahead of time and know now what to do.

    Keep these steps in mind, in case of an accident:

    • Call for emergency help: Emergency responders should always be called to an accident that causes an injury or significant vehicular damage. The reports that police officers, firefighters, and EMTs make can be useful sources of evidence for our attorneys to use. Even if you get into a minor car accident with no immediately apparent injuries, law enforcement should be called so that a police report can be filed.

    • Check on all passengers: If someone needs immediate medical attention, then take the proper steps to help as best you can until emergency personnel arrive on the scene. Be careful not to attempt any first aid you are not certified to complete, as good intentions could cause more harm.

    • Get yourself and uninjured passengers to safety: After a minor car accident, it is advisable to move your car to the side of the road to prevent any further accidents. The last thing you want is to get hit again by adjacent traffic. If the accident is serious and your vehicle is no longer drivable, get yourself and all uninjured passengers safely to the side of the road, preferably at least 20 feet away.

    • Exchange important information with the other driver: Be sure to collect the other driver’s license and car insurance information. This will help you file a claim against the right person and with the right insurance company.

    • Take photographs and document: Tangible evidence is crucial to making a point in a car accident claim. Since most of us now carry a camera in our pocket, i.e., our smartphones, it is easier than ever to gather immediate, untampered evidence. Take a picture of any and all damage to your vehicle and personal belongings, bodily injuries, skid marks on the road, landmarks, position of the cars, and even the time on the clock. Every little bit of evidence helps to build a solid injury claim.

    • Go to the doctor: Even if you don’t feel injured, it is important to be evaluated by a medical provider as soon as possible after a car accident. Insurance companies will jump at the chance to say your injuries are exaggerated if you take too long to see a doctor. A secondary follow-up with a doctor may be helpful as well since some injuries may present themselves after the shock and adrenaline of the accident wear off.

  • If your car accident claim is successful, then the other driver’s insurance company should be the one paying for your compensation. The money does not come directly from that other driver. However, you should know that you will not be paid anything from the other insurer until the case closes, which means you might need to pay for certain damages on your own for the time being. Your own insurance company might step in and pay for some damages, though, depending on the policy you purchased from them.

  • You know you need a car accident lawyer, but you might not know if you can afford one to represent you. Do not worry – most people have this same conundrum after a crash. Thankfully, you do not need to have a large savings account to hire a car accident attorney, especially if you come to Ross, Midian & Breitmayer, LLC.

    Our Columbus car accident lawyers offer free no-obligation consultations to discuss your case in more detail without charging you anything upfront. If we do work on your case, then we can offer contingency fees that do not require you to pay any of our attorney fees unless we end your claim or lawsuit with a settlement or verdict in your favor. Basically, you can pursue a claim against the other driver at no risk to your finances because you only pay us if we win! Furthermore, if we do win your case, then we are paid a fair percentage of the total award, so you never have to worry about paying more than you can afford.

Auto accident attorneys that come to you.

At Ross, Midian & Breitmayer, LLC, we understand the challenges you may face in visiting our office due to your injuries. We offer home and hospital visits as needed, ensuring your well-being and convenience.

Our initial consultations are free, and we operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you owe no attorneys' fees unless we recover compensation for you. Schedule a free consultation with one of our car accident lawyers today.

Available 24/7 at:
(614) 228-4488